Sex and the Gurus: The Case of Sogyal Rinpoche

Sogyal Rinpoche has died:

"Tibetan Buddhist Teacher Accused of Sexual Abuse Dies," BBC News

"Born Dennis Lingwood, the son of a French polisher from Tooting, Sangharakshita, meaning “one who is protected by the spiritual community,”

 Jamie Doward, "Buddhist, Teacher, Predator: Dark Secrets of the Triratna Guru," The Guardian (July 21, 2019)

Tahila Newland, Fallout: Recovering from Abuse in Tibetan Buddhism (2019) At
(On Sogyal Rinpoche)

Mary Finnigan and Rob Hogendoorn, Sex and Violence in Tibetan Buddhism: The Rise and Fall of Sogyal Rinpoche (Portland, OR: Jorvik Press, 2019) At

An informative article about this book: 

Nico Hines, “Bad Karma: Inside Tibetan Buddhism’s ‘Rape’ and Abuse Scandal,” The Daily Beast (July 17, 2019).

And for an earlier perspective by one of the authors, see Mary Finnigan, "Lama sex abuse claims call Buddhist taboos into question," Guardian (July 1, 2011).

Also here, here, here, here, here.


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